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Format: 2024
Event Date Last Namesort ascending First Name Sex Event Type Location Event Details Other Notes
July 13, 1829 Colwill Tamer? (Mrs.) Death Wickham buried buried by Col. Peters
March 16, 1820 Colwell John Marriage Hamstead Charlotte Mary Peters
January 9, 1823 Colwell James Marriage Waterborough Susanna Denton witnesses: Samuel Denton & Samuel Denton Jr.
November 28, 1808 Colwell Eleanor Marriage Wickham Joshua Oakley
January 3, 1809 Colwell William Marriage Waterborough Anne Dykeman
December 28, 1788 Colwell Catherine Marriage Gagetown James Parent
February 22, 1789 Colwell Ellinor Dau Baptism Hampstead No parents listed
February 22, 1789 Colwell Sherlotte Dau Baptism Hampstead No parents listed
October 31, 1832 Colling John Marriage Gagetown Nancy A. Blizard witnesses: A.W.E Nelson DeVeber & William Thorn
May 24, 1832 Cole Ann Marriage Gagetown Isaac Hopewell witnesses: T.R. Wetmore & Gabriel DeVeber
February 1, 1838 Cole Elizabeth Marriage Wickham Michael White witnesses: R.H. Carman & John White
June 8, 1806 Cole Jeremiah Marriage Gagetown Amy Brown black People
May 10, 1807 Cole George Son Baptism Gagetown Jeremiah & Amy Negroes
September 26, 1809 Cole Ann Dau Baptism Wickham Jeremiah & Amy
February 5, 1811 Cole Sarah Marriage Hemstead William Ogden
July 20, 1813 Cole Peter Rumsey Son Baptism Gagetown Jeremiah & Amia Blacks
March 19, 1814 Cole Harvey Baptism Gagetown Peter & Sarah
January 1, 1817 Cole Samuel Baptism Wickham Adult farmer
January 1, 1817 Cole Samuel Thorn Son Baptism Wickham Samuel & Salome born Sept. 7, 1817, farmer
January 1, 1819 Cole Elisabeth Fox Dau Baptism Wickham Samuel & Salome born Sept. 4, 1818, farmer
January 1, 1832 Cole Lousa Death Gagetown buried Daughter of Jeremiah Cole
October 18, 1834 Cole Anna Death Gagetown buried wife of Jeremiah cole colored
January 1, 1835 Cole Nansy Death Gagetown buried, age 24 hours black woman buried by Hon. Harry Peters
September 14, 1838 Cole Jeremiah Death Gagetown buried, age 85 Black Man
May 23, 1816 Cole Samuel Marriage Waterborough Salome Ackerley
January 1, 1816 Cole Mary Andrews Dau Baptism Waterborough Jeremiah & Amia Black
Cole Eisa? Debbois Baptism Waterborough Jeremiah & Amia Feb. 19, farmer, Black
Cole Louisa Dau Baptism Waterborough Jeremiah & Amia Feb. 19, farmer, Black
January 1, 1819 Cole Elisabeth Fox Dau Baptism Wickham Samuel & Salome born Sept. 11, 1818, farmer
January 1, 1822 Cole Sarah Jane Dau Baptism Wickham David & Elisabeth born Dec. 28, 1794, farmer
January 1, 1823 Cole David Son Baptism Wickham Samuel & Salome born March 13, 1821, farmer
January 1, 1823 Cole Mordecai Son Baptism Wickham Samuel & Salome born Dec. 12, 1822, farmer
January 1, 1825 Cole Jeremiah Son Baptism Gagetown Jeremiah & Amia farmer Black Child
January 1, 1829 Cole James Charlton Son Baptism Gagetown Jeremiah & Amia born April 14, 1829, farmer
February 17, 1807 Coldwell Charlotte Marriage Wickham John Young
March 1, 1802 Coldwell John (Esq.) Marriage Waterborough Tamer Miller (Widow)
October 25, 1804 Coldwell Ann Marriage Wickham John Robinson Widow
November 5, 1787 Codner James Marriage Sussex Lucy Leonard
January 1, 1833 Cochran Mahala Dau Baptism Wickham John & Elisabeth born May 9, 1833, farmer
January 1, 1835 Cochran Mary Marriage Wickham William T. Mullin witnesses: William Bell Little & David Fowler
November 20, 1813 Clowes Theodorus Marriage Gagetown Tamer Currie
March 6, 1791 Clewet Walter Mulligan Son Baptism Gagetown John James & Sarah
May 17, 1790 Clarke Esther Marriage Gagetown Allen Price
June 6, 1790 Clarke Rachel Battee Dau Baptism Hampstead Thomas & Apphia
August 14, 1791 Clarke Walter Son Baptism Waterborough, Grand Lake Elexander & Jane
August 14, 1791 Clarke Elexander Son Baptism Waterborough, Grand Lake Elexander & Jane
June 14, 1792 Clarke Elisabeth Marriage Gagetown Benjamin Titus
April 27, 1792 Clarke John Marriage Gagetown Mary Outhouse
March 7, 1793 Clarke Moses Jr. Marriage Hamstead Deborah Easterbrooks
March 27, 1814 Clarke Alexander Marriage Hamstead Elisabeth Titus
