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Format: 2024
Event Date Last Name First Name Sex Event Typesort ascending Location Event Details Other Notes
February 7, 1813 Creighton Elisabeth Dau Baptism Thomas & Mary
February 7, 1813 Creighton Dorothy Dau Baptism Thomas & Mary
February 7, 1813 Creighton Ann Dau Baptism Thomas & Mary
February 7, 1813 Creighton Mary Dau Baptism Thomas & Mary
February 7, 1813 Creighton Phoebe Dau Baptism Thomas & Mary
February 19, 1813 Wood Stephen Foster Son Baptism Moses & Elizabeth
February 28, 1813 Warren James Valentine Son Baptism Nathaniel & Lavinia
March 4, 1813 ? Joseph Son Baptism George & Mary
March 4, 1813 Van Wart Jacob Son Baptism Garret & Anne
March 4, 1813 Peters Frances Mary Dau Baptism Marcus & Frances
March 4, 1813 Golding Rebecca Cain Dau Baptism Thomas & Ruth
March 28, 1813 Hume Peter Baptism Sheffield/ Gagetown Adult
March 28, 1813 Hume George Baptism Sheffield/ Gagetown baptised
March 28, 1813 Hume Sarah Baptism Sheffield/ Gagetown Adult
March 28, 1813 Hume Rebecca Baptism Sheffield/ Gagetown baptised
March 28, 1813 Nile John Baptism Sheffield/ Gagetown Adult
March 28, 1813 Nile Anne Baptism Sheffield/ Gagetown Adult wife to John Nile
March 28, 1813 Hume Thomas Baptism Sheffield/ Gagetown Adult
March 28, 1813 Porter Else Dau Baptism Sheffield/ Gagetown George & Hannah
March 28, 1813 McDonald Pomelia Baptism Sheffield/ Gagetown Adult wife to Benjamin McDonald
March 28, 1813 Hume Eli Harvey Son Baptism Sheffield/ Gagetown Peter & Sarah
March 28, 1813 Hume Elizabeth Chase Dau Baptism Sheffield/ Gagetown Peter & Sarah
March 28, 1813 Hume George William Son Baptism Sheffield/ Gagetown Peter & Sarah
March 28, 1813 Nile Anne Dau Baptism Sheffield/ Gagetown John & Anne
May 30, 1813 Dykeman Statira Baptism Gagetown Jacob & Statira
June 13, 1813 Douglas Robert Allen Son Baptism Gagetown Matthew & Anne
June 6, 1813 Cypher John Son Baptism Gagetown John & Elizabeth
June 6, 1813 McIntosh Alexander Son Baptism Gagetown David & Anne
June 6, 1813 Foster Elisabeth Dau Baptism Gagetown Stephen & Catharine
June 6, 1813 Hanselpacker Catharine Dau Baptism Gagetown John & Julia
June 6, 1813 Mills Elisabeth Dau Baptism Gagetown Andrew & Elisabeth
June 6, 1813 Foshay Elizabeth Frances Dau Baptism Gagetown Joseph & Sarah
July 11, 1813 Ackerly Marvel Son Baptism Gagetown James & Mercy
July 11, 1813 Ackerly William Son Baptism Gagetown James & Mercy
July 18, 1813 Babbit Rhoda Dau Baptism Gagetown Daniel & Rhoda
July 20, 1813 Cole Peter Rumsey Son Baptism Gagetown Jeremiah & Amia Blacks
August 22, 1813 Smith Mary Ann Dau Baptism Gagetown Daniel & Mary
August 29, 1813 Williams Mary Ann Baptism Gagetown Wife of John Williams
August 29, 1813 Williams Claroline Fowler Dau Baptism Gagetown John & Mary A.
August 29, 1813 Burns David Brill Son Baptism Gagetown Samuel
August 29, 1813 Gove Samuel Tilly Son Baptism Gagetown Jeremiah & Elisabeth
September 1, 1813 Morse Mary Ann Dau Baptism Gagetown Benjamin & Ann
September 23, 1813 London Lewis Baptism Greenwich Adult Blacks
September 23, 1813 London Thaine Baptism Greenwich Lewis & Isabella Blacks
September 23, 1813 London Maria Dau Baptism Greenwich Lewis & Isabella Blacks
September 23, 1813 London Louise Dau Baptism Greenwich Lewis & Isabella Blacks
September 23, 1813 London Samuel Son Baptism Greenwich Lewis & Isabella Blacks
September 23, 1813 London Wealthy Dau Baptism Greenwich Lewis & Isabella Blacks
October 24, 1813 Thorn Hepsibah Baptism Waterborough Stephen & Catharine
October 24, 1813 Thorn Catharine Dau Baptism Waterborough Stephen & Catharine
