Database Search

Format: 2024
Event Date Last Name First Namesort ascending Sex Event Type Location Event Details Other Notes
January 22, 1795 Oaks Sarah Marriage Gagetown Daniel Yeomans
February 15, 1795 VanWart Sarah Dau Baptism Long Island Isaac & Elenor
April 16, 1795 Thurston Sarah Marriage Waterborough William Springer
June 7, 1795 Compton Sarah Baptism Wickham Adult wife to Compton
July 22, 1795 Oakley Sarah Marriage Waterborough Gilbert Currie
August 2, 1795 Worden Sarah Baptism Wickham Adult wife to Gabriel Worden
September 27, 1795 Townshend Sarah Dau Baptism Gagetown John & Martha
January 28, 1796 Austin Sarah Dau Baptism ? Samuel & Eve
October 25, 1796 Hartt Sarah Marriage Gagetown David Phillips
March 5, 1797 Bridgeman Sarah Dau Baptism Grand Lake William & Mary
August 2, 1797 Ring Sarah Marriage Waterborough John Gabel
March 22, 1798 Nickerson Sarah Marriage Gagetown Richard Grigery noted as the Widow Sarah Nickerson
May 6, 1798 Foshay Sarah Dau Baptism Waterborough Isaac & Elisabeth
December 13, 1798 Clarke Sarah Marriage Gagetown Benjamin Brown the Widow Sarah Clarke
February 19, 1799 Beyea Sarah Marriage Gagetown Adam Matt
March 11, 1799 Birdsell Sarah Marriage Waterborough Nathaniel Vale
April 9, 1799 Gilbert Sarah Marriage Waterborough Platt Wood
December 31, 1799 Esten Sarah Marriage Wickham John McDonald
December 31, 1799 Hendry Sarah Dau Baptism Wickham George & Susannah
February 9, 1800 Mott Sarah Baptism Hemstead Adult
March 16, 1800 Patten Sarah Baptism Gagetown No parents listed
November 1, 1801 Warren Sarah Baptism Hamstead Adult
January 13, 1802 Cory Sarah Dau Baptism Gagetown Thomas & Catherine
February 14, 1802 Clark Sarah Baptism Grand Lake Adult wife to Gershom Clark
February 15, 1802 Miller Sarah Dau Baptism Grand Lake Andrew & Elisabeth
February 16, 1802 Langley Sarah Dau Baptism Grand Lake John & Mary
January 20, 1803 Cottle Sarah Marriage Gagetown Benjamin Coy
April 1, 1803 Clarke Sarah Death Hemstead buried Sometime in April 1803 Buried Sarah wife to Gershom Clarke of Quacko Lake
May 31, 1803 Burgis Sarah Baptism Gagetown Adult wife to Daniel Burges
July 15, 1804 Allgee Sarah Dau Baptism Gagetown Alexander & Ann
March 12, 1812 Foshay Sarah Marriage Gagetown Joseph Gidney
April 5, 1812 Yeomans Sarah Dau Baptism Peters & Margaret
February 9, 1813 Lunt Sarah Marriage Samuel Leydekker
March 28, 1813 Hume Sarah Baptism Sheffield/ Gagetown Adult
December 15, 1813 Gaunce Sarah Marriage James Fox
February 16, 1814 Roberts Sarah Marriage Josiah Adams
February 16, 1814 Briggs Sarah Dau Baptism William & Elisabeth
March 19, 1814 Cox Sarah Dau Baptism Grand Lake Hannah no father listed
September 1, 1814 Purdy Sarah Marriage Hamstead David Easty Brooks
October 6, 1814 Vanwart Sarah Marriage Wickham Thomas Peters
July 10, 1815 Corey Sarah Marriage Gagetown Joseph Baily
February 1, 1815 Corey Sarah Baptism Queen's County Adult
July 27, 1815 Denton Sarah Marriage Grand Lake Stephen Thorn
October 16, 1815 Hathaway Sarah Marriage Sunbury Jacob Loder widow
January 1, 1818 Foshay Sarah Dau Baptism Gagetown William & Margaret farmer
January 4, 1805 Titus Sarah Marriage Gagetown Thomas Thorn
June 25, 1805 Mott Sarah Dau Baptism Hemstead Adam & Sarah
April 3, 1806 Sands Sarah Dau Baptism Gagetown Stephen
November 23, 1808 Gray Sarah Marriage Waterborough John McElpine
January 29, 1809 Briggs Sarah Dau Baptism Waterborough Abial & Elizabeth
